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Posts : 40
Join date : 2007-09-24

Rules Empty
PostSubject: Rules   Rules Icon_minitimeFri Sep 28, 2007 2:08 pm

Rules for you
1. You need to be careful for yourself, if you kill someone in a guild or not you'll have KOS on your head or KOS on our guild.
2. If you turn to red don't be sad if it takes 3days or more to get your name back to white.
3. Don't ignore people in the guild, if you do, maybe you'll have the samething when you'll try to talk too.

Rules for all
1. There's a rule Older-Member-First, if there is a war between two person, the older member will stay in the guild and maybe the ''new'' will be expelt if there is no way to have peace.
2. When someone is Killed by a PlayerKiller, you have to help, if it's possible. If it is it's an obligation to go to the place (After a dungeon if you're in one.).
3. The language is English for all in the guildchat, and we don't care if you talk to others arround in your language. If you don't understand english and/or dont speak english at all you'll be expelt.
4. While we are doing a guild event, you have to be white and you have to stay white. No pk will be allowed, exept for self-defence like someone from another guild / not in the guild attacks you.
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