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 Event coming

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Posts : 40
Join date : 2007-09-24

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PostSubject: Event coming   Event coming Icon_minitimeWed Sep 26, 2007 11:16 am

Gift Event
In december there will be an event for Christmas, the names of the characters will be write on another page in event forum. We'll leave one week to find a good item to give to the person you're matched with. If you are too low level to give something he can use you can give a gem or an item he can sell for a nice price. At the end of the event we will go arround in 3 or more party (Depends how much people plays the event) to kill some monster and show the guild a little to newbies from heiharp / Denebe / Castor(fl.1 near North Morte).

Big Aoe Party
To help some people to level in the guild there will be big aoe party, it will count 3 party of 6 person each. The high level will lead the way into Norak Fl.2 and aoe with the lowers. Even the summoner that don't have their aoe yet can get in. We don't know exactly when we will do it.

Treasure Event
This event cost alot for the reward, we will do that when the leader will have all the reward for it. The reward are 2.5m for the winner and 300k for the nearest person. The game is simple, someone goes arround in Norak fl.1 or Castor fl. 1 and everyone tries to find him. People can party, but if they win something, they will have to split the money(3 person max in the party).

There will be some question for animations or games, and the winner have two choices for the reward, the first choice is 3 Medals +18, 3 Rhombus +33 or 3 Pyramid +27.

Envy show off
Every high level of the guild(5 person maximum) goes in Loa and tries to find 1 newbie to powerlevel. In return he have to talk good about Envy and make people know about us more then we are already. We could do alot of party and powerlevel alot of noob.
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Posts : 40
Join date : 2007-09-24

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PostSubject: Re: Event coming   Event coming Icon_minitimeWed Nov 07, 2007 11:41 am

Event have been canceled.

We had a little problem, so we couldn't do the event. We hope next weekend all will be okay and under control.

Let's hope there will be no bug like this.
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Posts : 23
Join date : 2007-10-07

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PostSubject: Re: Event coming   Event coming Icon_minitimeSun Nov 11, 2007 5:17 pm

were still on for the christmas event right
hehe match me up with you you can give me CA and ill give you 1 gold heheheh jp

But i hope that events going to happen
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PostSubject: Re: Event coming   Event coming Icon_minitime

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