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 Christmas event

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Posts : 40
Join date : 2007-09-24

Christmas event Empty
PostSubject: Christmas event   Christmas event Icon_minitimeTue Nov 13, 2007 5:18 pm

Christmas event!!!!!!!

Here it's different for the schedule.
We need atleast 7 persons playing in this place, if there is less we will change the time!

Let's be connected during december, but first we need to know who playing to be able to put everyone in a "Couple".
Each person will have someone to give a gift to, and this person is not suposed to know who will give him a gift.


Paul To Paula
Paula To Jesus
Jesus To Etc
Paula waits for christmas event to give her gift to Jesus.
This day she receives paul's gift and is surprised it's him that he gives her the gift.

All the people that wants to be in this game post a reply here.
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